Sunday, 8 February 2015

#SSS - 8th Feb

I've had a brilliant week!!!
As if by magic, everything is starting to fall into place. My operation, to remove the current shoulder boobs and reconstruct the burnt side of my face, has finally been booked!!!
It feels like I've been waiting for this day to come for years! It has been an uncomfortable and slightly painful couple of months.

Things are finally on the move now. I will soon be driving again, with my face back to normal, working again, visiting friends. Things are really on the way back to normal for me.  YAY!!!!

I'm also looking for a nice new leg! The one I've got now is ok, it does the job. But I want more than just a leg I can walk with! I want one I can dance with! I want one that I can wear out in high heels and shake my butt in.
Also, I want one that looks like a leg. Of course I have the cool Alleles cover on this leg and I will proudly get it out in the summer when I want to show it off. But I also want one that looks just like a normal leg. One that is comfortable and unnoticeable, so I can wear it out in the summer with a nice skirt on and not have people giving me unwanted attention. This cool one from I.S.S in France looks really nice and comfortable! Click here  to see the various video clips of people wearing this prosthetic.

I.S.S - a leg that I think is just brilliant and I really want one! It would be lovely to fly over to France to see my Aunty Eve, Gerome and little Jack too! I'm planning on making a little holiday out of it! Obviously when my surgery is finished with. Hopefully that will be soon enough.

So, I've had a page in this magazine, sharing my story and my positivity. It's nice to share how you're dealing with something as serious as an amputation and facial disfigurement. If anyone had told me this would happen to me a few years ago, I wouldn't think I could deal with it as well as I have done. I'm not brave and courage for it though, I've just had such good support from my friends and family, that I have no reason to moan about it.
What could I moan about? I'm not missing out on anything, I have the same life as I did before my accident, just not as stressful and careless.

I'm very grateful to be sharing my story and having young girls read it and be inspired. It might help someone out there feeling sorry for themselves for having an ugly spot on the end of their nose, just as I would have done pre crash! ;)

The true meaning of "beautiful" is something most people in the world will never know nor understand.
As the amazing Katie Piper said
“Don't wait until there is tragedy in your life. Don't wait until you lose somebody. Don't wait until it's too late. Appreciate the beautiful people that you have in your life now.” 

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