Sunday, 11 January 2015

#SSS Sunday Smile Sermon 2015!!!!

Happy New year everyone!!!! A bit late I know, but my first blog post of 2015! It's crazy really, so different to my first sermon of 2014! My first blog post back in February 2014 was really pushing for my nerve to work so that I could smile again! I wanted the nerve to start working more than anything!

I hated not being able to control my smile, it was more upsetting then loosing my leg. Seriously!

So, my new nerve, replacing the burnt one in my face, was taken from the back of my leg,  was given a 1% chance of working. I thought I was going to have a lop sided smile for the rest of my life!

Here is a pic of my smile back in February 2014.
It has definitley improved slightly since then. It has a far way to go though, but at least it is on its way back.  

And here is a picture of my smile from a few weeks ago, an even smile which I am very please and relieved about. I'm hoping this will improve more and more each year! I'm going to ask for them to take a nerve from somewhere else, I don't mind where they dig at me next as long as it helps get my smile back.  

So fingers crossed, this time next year, the comparison will be amazing!!! I'll have my dimples back in no time! That would be amazing, to have full control over the left side of my face again, fingers crossed!!! 

My beautiful baby cousin Urban, was 6 on the 1st January! Happy Birthday to that little beauty, Urban! 

My New Years Resolutions are; 

  1. Get driving again
  2. Get a job - paid 
  3. Overcome ongoing surgery 
  4. Get my book finished & published
  5. Get a running leg 
  6. Go for lots of runs - Marathon maybe? (hmmm 26 miles, good luck with that one!)

These are all fairly achievable, I have them as plans for the year and hopefully they will all be achieved!! It will be good to look back at this post next year to see how well I've done! You've all seen them, now I must do them !!!  I've got another driving assessment tomorrow actually, so hopefully number 1. will be achieved soon! I can NOT wait to be back behind a wheel again. Be able to get    from one place to another on my own.

Number 2, is also more likely to be achievable once I'm driving again. I'm currently doing voluntary work for a charity, Black Country Neurological Alliance. Which is great as it can all be done from home and isn't stressfully time consuming, as it is a voluntary role. I do miss getting a wage in though. I will need to be earning my own money to pay for all the petrol I'll need from driving around! 
Both 1 and 2 need to wait for the number 3 to be finished with too. I can't wait for the injection and surgeries and all of it to just stop! It seems never ending for me. Im not complaining, I was gagging for it all to start for so long, I am glad to be going through this as it is all for a good ending. I just can not wait for the ending to come!

Number 4, this little book of mine….it would be very cool for it to be finished and published on May 19th, my 2 year "ampuversary".

Number 5 and 6 - It would be SO COOL to get a running leg. The blade!!! I have spoken to a few people about this and I'm hoping that this resolution will be sorted. By the end of the year I will have ran around like a headless chicken on a blade. I will be running and raising money for the charities that have helped get the blade.for me.  It will be a really satisfying achievement and I'm really looking forward to it. 

I'm going to start building my fitness up now, I am a little stumped at the minute as to what I can do. Like even going for a long walk, I'm just too nervous at the moment with my pouches. Falling and hurting them might slow my progress down and I can't let that happen. I have however, bought a weighted hula hoop, that is fine to do in the meantime! In my warm room with soft things around me if I do fall! As well as a the weighted hula hoop, I purchased a pedometer, so as soon as my pouches are out I will be going out and measuring my walks & calories! I'll be a slim little thing by the summer! 

I'm hoping to get involved in a few events this year too, like LimbPower are going to be doing a some cool events this year, you can see them all on their website here 

I really want to do the Cycle Cuba! I would LOVE to go to South America anyway, it was definitely on my list of places to see!!!! Although, I had initially hoped to go and eat the gorgeous food and smoke their cigars, while in Cuba, it's a must really! A cuban cigar, a bottle of Cuban wine and live music! 
Wow…. but it's not going to be like that. It will be fun to cycle through Cuba with my LimbPower friends though, I think as a reward for it, we should all have a cigar waiting for us at the end of the cycle! 
This cycle in Cuba is up on the website for October this year, the date is yet to be confirmed. There is also, with LimbPower a talk of a Snowdon Walking Challenge. I saw this posted by Kiera today on Twitter. I'm up for that one too! It will be good to do this walk in the summer some time, boost up the energy for the cycle in Cuba to follow, which I think is in October? Well the Cycle Cuba one is down for October on the LimbPower website, the date needs to be confirmed anyway so that may well change .

Anyway, enough of my pipe dream plans with no solidarity, due to unconfirmed dates and unconfirmed health. I'm glad to have these things in my diary for 2015 as I do really want to do them. I want to have a great year full of achievements and accomplishments! I'm sure it will be a great year for me. 

A little poem I found & love...

I asked for wisdom & God gave me problems to solve,
I asked for courage & God gave me brawn and brains to work,
I asked for patience & God placed me in situations where I was forced to wait,
I asked for love, & God gave me troubled people to help,
I asked for favours and God gave me opportunities.
I received nothing I wanted,
I received everything I needed.

Until next week, peace x

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