Sunday, 27 July 2014

Sunday Smile Sermon - 27th July

I've just got back from Ambrose Barlow mass with my Nan & Granddad and it was lovely seeing some friendly faces. A lovely lady, a mother of a girl I went to Primary School with, came up to greet me as she came in. It was so lovely of her and so nice to see her too.
Gosh there are a lot of alter servers that were there today, I remember being up on that alter whilst I was at Ambrose Barlow primary school, so many years ago! I have to admit though, there is a serious lack of girls up there these days! Get your daughters up there people, letting the team down!

So the things that made me smile the most this week. Hmmm, well I've started writing a book! I have plenty of time on my hands, so it's not that hard at all. Although, I'm hoping it goes well, it could be pretty boring. I don't know anyone who edits & publishes books, I think I'll need to contact a few people once it's nearly finished.
I'm hoping to have it all done by Christmas! I have written the first 2 chapters and I have bullet points down for the next few - with a little help from my sister - it is an exciting idea to have it published! :D Although the content seems a bit boring to me, I'm sure it will be interesting to others. I've had an interesting life I guess, not as normal as it seemed at the time.

So I'M GOING TO IRELAND! It feels like I'm a kid on their summer holidays. Each year we would go on a trip to Ireland visiting family in Leitrim and Antrim. Now my mom is living there, it will be lovely to see her again. I'm hoping to get my new leg in time, however it is highly doubtful.

Anyway, this week of smiles… Monday Alex came home with me and stayed for a couple of days. I love having her around, she is a great help to me. The tables have seriously turned with the big sis, little sis though. She is the one look out for me and before I was the one looking after her. Well, I say that, but I guess she would be the sensible one on a night out. :/

So Tuesday, Katie came to mine in the afternoon and we went for a walk, just around the block, it was SO hot! Wearing this mask & pressure garments really doesn't help with the humidity. I can't wait until all of this is off!

Wednesday, I had a meeting at the Maltings for a leg fitting. The suction socket needs several adjustments, I had to dash off before the meeting had ended though! I had another one to attend with my Occupational Therapists. I will not be getting the leg in time for Ireland, which is such a shame! It will be something to come home to anyway. So dashing off to a meeting with Alex & Katie OTs for an assessment on my short term memory & concentration. Hmmm, it didn't go that well to be honest! I would be shown a route of things to do and then I would have to do it. Which sounds like ABC to be honest, that's exactly what I thought when shown the task. But it was harder than I thought and my concentration is pretty bad. I really really hope this improves ASAP! I've ordered a lot of herbal tablets to help with the mind. They have been added to my drug dispenser so hopefully they will kick in and do me some good.

I had a bit of a hussy fit with Go Daddy, I contacted them on FB & Twitter, slagging them off for not helping me. And they did eventually help me out. My blog is now feeding through to my website. So I do apologise to them for being in such a mood with them. I do have a short temper as well as a short term memory loss. But I've had that all my life, I can't blame the crash for that! 

I'm sorry Go Daddy!!! :)

Apart from all of that, not that much went on really. I'm very excited for the trip to Ireland next week! :D I won't be blogging while I'm there, so I'll let you know how it all went, in a couple of weeks.

I'll crack on with my book though! I have asked the people I will be mentioning in the book, for their permission and they all kindly got back to me with a yes, so it's off we go! hehe I'll be half the way through it soon, so fingers crossed you'll be reading that, instead of this, in no time!

If you know any book editors or publishers, can you leave a comment below this post with their contact details please. Or message me on FB.

Alice has just left after her lovely visit. We had a good old natter and I can not wait to see her in her new pad! It will be so lovely visiting all of the O'Riordan's in Shirley once I'm driving again too! Fingers crossed that won't be long. I'll definitely be driving to the O'Riordan's and all my other pals in no time, with a few signed books of course ;)

Peace for now xxx

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