Sunday, 22 June 2014

Sunday Smile Sermon

Well, you are gathered here today for my very own sermon. It's Sunday, I'm smiling, so why not?

I had a lovely day yesterday at the Oxted Food & Drink festival, organised and supported by Kiera, Damien, Gemma and Helen, who I met at the LimbPower Games! It was so lovely having a little get together with Derek, Sandra, Gary, Zoe and co, a lovely group of people who I also met through the LimbPower games in May. After spending a long day selling raffle tickets and merchandise for Limbpower, and listening to some great performance acts, such as Harp for Hangovers (my favourite), we had a good old natter at the end of the day, over a lovely curry! The best type of gatherings if you ask me. It made me smile a lot. So much so, Anna and I were discussing a small get together in the Midlands for a change, a get together with all the people who could make it. And for Derek in his return to his home-land! ;)

So I'm thinking, with my little obsession with the use of alliteration, I thought. maybe a Stratford Smile Social! And why not in September? Just to add an extra S into the bag. I'm just throwing it out there at the minute anyway, we'll have to see what's best for people. This is just a little feeler going out to the LimbPower people! Are you free in September for a social in Stratford? It's a pretty location, and I'm sure we could find a little place to perch up and eat!

My Operation for horrid "skin expanders" will be in August, the 21st I do believe. So hopefully, by September I will be use to the uncomfortable pouches under my skin, and I'd be very much looking forward to a get together with you lot! It would make me smile and I would be looking forward to it. I will try and get some sort of social event going on throughout the year, like LimbPower has with different events, but not so much on the physical sporty side. These sporty events are great! However, I just want to chill and have a laugh with my limbless friends of all ages! My events will be to get together and just have a laugh. I will be pushing for every single last one of you to indeed use a muscle, however just the facial one in order to smile!

Now, of course I do not want to be drawing any of you away from LimbPower events, there is an event in September , I would love to take part in this, however I personally don't think I'll be well and fit enough to join in! So I'll be missing out on it this year. If any of you can't make it then come and have a smile with me. This bike-ride form London to Amsterdam is the last week of September, I will probably be having a get together at the start of Sep, depending on my surgery. I'm hoping to catch the last bit of Summer with you lot! Should all be grand, no plans yet, however here it is as an idea.

Hope you can all make it!

Peace be with you….

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