Sunday, 29 June 2014

Sunday Smile Sermon - 29th June

Well, well well, I'm currently at my Nanny & Granddad Durkins house, it's been a lovely week for me! I don't have my dairy with me, so I can't actually look through it to remind me of all the things that this lovely week consisted of, however I'll do my best to roll out the bits that have stuck to my patchy memory!

It is a little quiet in our house, Dad is away in Las Vegas doing what he does best ;-) All my love and luck has been thrown his way, so hopefully he'll catch it in time to roll in some big wins either through his own expertise or the expertise of his players. To my little brother Ben, I've also thrown a big bit of luck to you too. I'm sure you'll both do great and then come home safely with lots of lovely presents for me!!! ;) haha good luck to you both!

Anyway, Harvey, our little cute kitten, who turned out to be a baby girl rather than a boy, has given birth to 4 gorgeous little, tiny, kittens! Very very cute! I want to keep them all!!! However I don't think we will, some people have put dips in first. Stealing kittens from a little disabled girl! tut tut. Jokes people! Urgh I hate using that D word! Unless it's for free parking or a short queuing at a ride. Apart from that, I'm an amputee, OK people? Do not call me disabled!

I went to see my councillor this week. I completely understand why people go to these councillor sessions at the mobility centre I am with, losing a limb must be very hard for most people, it has been a bit tricky for me from time to time, however I've not allowed any of the negative feelings to consume me, as many people unfortunately do. I really do think my positivity has developed more and more as an amputee, I don't fake the semi-smile I have, I am genuinely a happy, smiley person now, with no worries or concerns at all. Anyway, I still attend a meeting with this lovely lady, Judy, my councillor, every 4 months or something. After a little chat with Judy, on how things are going, what I've been up to and what my plans moving forward are, I mentioned how my blog was going and how many people had commented on my writing ability, so kindly, at the Oxted food festival I attended that week. They had said that they loved my blog and always looked forward to reading the next post (if any of you are reading this now - this is to you <3 ) Anyway, Judy and I both said, I should write a book! I am very excited at the idea of doing this. My spelling is atrocious at the best of times, so a publisher would certainly have a field day!  But I'm going to do it! Something to work on and focus on. May even help my recovery, in terms of memory etc.

So, today! The lovely lady Michelle McCarthy, popped in to my Nanny.Ds to see me. She is doing a Media Masters at university and would like to do a documentary on my recovery and progress. The idea is very exciting. I've looked through similar types of documentaries that it will mirror and the Katie Piper one "My Beautiful Face" is very good. A similar documentary will be great for me to have a look back at in a few years time, when things are a lot better. It will be good to have as a keep sake reminder of how far I've come. It will be lovely for me to have and to show to my family and friend….  and maybe at my book signing! haha (Joking people!)

I'm off to see my Uncle Mark now, with my nanny J.

Anyway, that's how my week has gone, nothing to declare really, other than exciting times ahead of me!

Peace be with you … Amen .


Sunday, 22 June 2014

Sunday Smile Sermon

Well, you are gathered here today for my very own sermon. It's Sunday, I'm smiling, so why not?

I had a lovely day yesterday at the Oxted Food & Drink festival, organised and supported by Kiera, Damien, Gemma and Helen, who I met at the LimbPower Games! It was so lovely having a little get together with Derek, Sandra, Gary, Zoe and co, a lovely group of people who I also met through the LimbPower games in May. After spending a long day selling raffle tickets and merchandise for Limbpower, and listening to some great performance acts, such as Harp for Hangovers (my favourite), we had a good old natter at the end of the day, over a lovely curry! The best type of gatherings if you ask me. It made me smile a lot. So much so, Anna and I were discussing a small get together in the Midlands for a change, a get together with all the people who could make it. And for Derek in his return to his home-land! ;)

So I'm thinking, with my little obsession with the use of alliteration, I thought. maybe a Stratford Smile Social! And why not in September? Just to add an extra S into the bag. I'm just throwing it out there at the minute anyway, we'll have to see what's best for people. This is just a little feeler going out to the LimbPower people! Are you free in September for a social in Stratford? It's a pretty location, and I'm sure we could find a little place to perch up and eat!

My Operation for horrid "skin expanders" will be in August, the 21st I do believe. So hopefully, by September I will be use to the uncomfortable pouches under my skin, and I'd be very much looking forward to a get together with you lot! It would make me smile and I would be looking forward to it. I will try and get some sort of social event going on throughout the year, like LimbPower has with different events, but not so much on the physical sporty side. These sporty events are great! However, I just want to chill and have a laugh with my limbless friends of all ages! My events will be to get together and just have a laugh. I will be pushing for every single last one of you to indeed use a muscle, however just the facial one in order to smile!

Now, of course I do not want to be drawing any of you away from LimbPower events, there is an event in September , I would love to take part in this, however I personally don't think I'll be well and fit enough to join in! So I'll be missing out on it this year. If any of you can't make it then come and have a smile with me. This bike-ride form London to Amsterdam is the last week of September, I will probably be having a get together at the start of Sep, depending on my surgery. I'm hoping to catch the last bit of Summer with you lot! Should all be grand, no plans yet, however here it is as an idea.

Hope you can all make it!

Peace be with you….