Sunday, 28 September 2014

Sunday Smile Sermon - 28th September #SSS

Well I'm slacking in my sermons! It must be a little boring for people to read what I had for breakfast on a weekly feedback post. I think fortnightly posts will be more interesting!

All my thoughts have been with the lovely people doing their bit for the charity, LimbPower, in the London to Amsterdam bike ride! Well done guys, I've been following it on Facebook. I'm only aware of Kiera & Johnny doing it, but whoever else took part in the charity campaign, well done for your efforts! I would have loved to have been with you all on the ride, although I wouldn't be fit enough to ride a bike to London let alone from London to Amsterdam! Next year, however, I will 100% be doing it with you! It's my aim for next year now. Santa, I'll need a bike for Christmas. ;)

So, what's been going on with me over the past couple of weeks, not a lot really! I'm in a bit of a limbo spot at the moment, just waiting for my new suction socket leg and waiting for my face reconstruction operations. The operations aren't until November 13th! So I have a long way to go yet, the new leg however, god knows! I'm constantly going back to the Malting Mobility Centre to get it checked out and there is ALWAYS a few adjustments needed to be made. Fingers crossed I will get it before this year is out. I'm planing on getting some nice heels for Christmas, with the aim of dancing in them by the following Christmas. I'm not sure I will be able to go with this mission though if my reliance is constantly on my mobility centre.  

So i'm getting better mentally now. I feel as though my memory is improving and I'm a lot less drowsy after dropping my medication down from 600mg a day to 150mg. I haven't felt, so far, any negative consequences in doing so either. Fingers crossed I'll be off them all in no time! I hate having to take drugs! (For those of you reading this who knew my pre crash behaviours, that statement will sound a little  ironic!) I think it's more of a stubborn hate. Like, I hate having to rely on something to stop my pain. I should be able to do that myself! It's my body and my pain, I should be able to control it. I hate having to rely on drugs to numb such pain. That may sound a bit hippy and weird, but it's true! We all become reliant on things for help if we constantly turn to it in times of need. We should all man up and strengthen our bodies to fight off their own battles. Ok if it is unbearable pain and you need the medication then take it, but if you can handle it, you shouldn't. In my opinion. 

So it's been a month of Birthdays in my family! My aunty Tee was 40! It was my cousin Xiggy's 1st birthday on Monday! My Uncle John and my nan had their birthday's on Thursday. Cards coming out of my ears! We went for a lovely meal on Friday for Nan and John's birthday. The Greswolde Arms in Knowle. It was lovely. I can even remember what I had, which I would never have been able to do a few weeks back! So I had pate as a starter, scallops and sea bass for my main followed but lovely hazelnut profiteroles for desert. 

I've made a new friend, Joshua , who has reminded me to do this post, and therefore I have to mention him in it. There you go Joshua ;) 

I've got not a lot going on for the rest of this week, anything worth telling you all about and I'll pop back on next Sunday, if not then I think I'll stick to fortnightly posts I think. 

Until the next time, peace x

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Sunday Smile Sermon - 7th September

YAY it's September! My favourite month of the year :) Kids all back to school, peace and quite! The beginning of autumn sun, weather still nice and warm, not too hot. It's a gorgeous sunny day today, I'm again sitting at the dining table at my nan and granddads. Alex is away however, she has spent the week in Dubai with her friend Becci. The pictures I've seen are lovely, I bet they've had an amazing little break, a well deserved break too. They both work so hard! I'm excited to see all the pics and hear all the gossip when they get home today! I've missed that little sprog of mine.

So what has made me smile the most this week. Well, I've now finally tuned my body into waking up a bit earlier, so in terms of reaching goals, I've conquered that one! I've thought I should really get my act together with the over sleep and lazy lie ins. I'm starting an advanced writing course in October, which will start at 10am every Friday, for around 10 weeks I think, so at least the early morning wont be such a shock and horror to me!
Oooo I'm excited to start that! It will be good to meet a few people writing and to tell them all about my book, a book I'm working on at the minute. I might even get a bit of inspiration from them and hopefully hand some out myself.

So Tuesday, I had an appointment at The Malting, my mobility centre (Where they are making me a new suction socket leg) My meeting was with Judy the councillor, she's a lovely lady and to me it's just a gathering we have really. I just tell her how things are and whats going on, nothing too intense. It's good for me memory wise, as I recall the things I have done to someone and I tell her what my plans are moving forward. I told her about the Charity my new friend Sian is setting up and how I would love to help her. So I'm going to be helping Sian with her charity (which doesn't have a name yet) and LimbPower with theirs.

I went swimming with Anna on Wednesday, after the swim, on the way home, we talked about dinner. I always get hungry after swimming! So I decided I would make something for dinner that night. On the way home we stopped off at the super market and picked some bits and bobs up, along with a salad bar as a snack/lunch . That night I made enchiladas. They were SO tasty! I've decided that I would cook more often for them all while I'm there. It's nice to mix things up a bit, and it's good for me to start being a bit more helpful around the house. I need to grow up a bit and stop being so lazy!

Thursday, I had a bit of an excitement flow of energy and ordered a load of prospectuses from the University of Birmingham. The idea of helping LimbPower and Sian really prompted me into topping up and expanding my experience and knowledge in marketing. It is a field I am used to, from 3 years of employment after Uni. It will be good to get back into it to spread the 2 charities around the UK. It will also be good for me mentally to get back into an academic mind set by upgrading my degree into a Masters. It was something I really enjoyed doing and I believe I was good at, so I'm going to get back into it and be even better!

The Culture Team at France24, where my aunty Eve works, sent me a picture of them all doing their Leg up for LimbPower post. It was great! Thank you all so much  :) 

Yesterday, I received one on Facebook from my good friend Alice. She did a Leg Up post with her boyfriend Paddy, and there little dog Molly jumped up for it too! Thank you all so much!!!! Love all 3 of you! :) 

It is so great seeing pictures like this with my friends and family all helping me to raise awareness to the charity LimbPower. It really filled my heart. Thank you so much!

So I've also made a few new friends this week! I noticed on Facebook a young lad called Anthony showing off his new cool prosthetic leg, made by a company called The Alleles. His prosthetic cover was so so cool! It's nice having someone at a similar age who's in the same boat as you. Really nice lad!

"I saw this #regram @anthonyjennings wearing his new custom#allelescover!! Handsome devil  @tattooed_robot can design your very own custom cover as well! 
#thealleles #amputee #prostheticstyle #prosthetics#customcover #allelesdesign #designstudio #actor#model "

After seeing this, I just had to get in touch with Terry, the guy at the company The Alleles. I really want to buy one of his covers to attach to my prosthetic. A lovely designed cover will be so much nicer than the current yellow foam I have! I got chatting away to Terry and came up with a brilliant idea as to what I would like. I love elephants so I thought, I might as well get something cool like that designed on to a cover. This is the design I found and liked.

 I found the design on a website  if you want to check it out. I thought this henna type design of an elephant, with similar curves and patterns, designed onto a leg cover would be something to be proud of! I would definitely have this out on show with a nice skirt on. It will be far prettier than the yellow foamed leg cover! It will hold the same shape of my leg once attached to the cover, and it will be like a cool tattoo.
A changeable tattoo! I might get an addiction to this and be contacting Terry once a month for a new design! It's such an exciting idea! I'm very happy with it and it hasn't even been made yet! But I've seen how cool Anthony's is and I'm convinced Terry will do just as good a job on mine. :)

I'll need to speak to my dad about it when I get home, I just like to run things past him before I rush in and buy it. I know I get excited about things sometimes and go crazy and just buy it! Like the wrist band idea I had, to spread my website/blog around to people. It's a nice idea, but did I REALLY need to buy 400 of them! haha I've given some out to family and friends, but I still have bags and bags full of these bands sitting in the conservatory! I'm such a blonker! :)

So I'll speak to dad when I get home and then POW! I'll buy the option for The Custom Terry Oh Cover on the Alleles website! Ooooo It's so exciting!!!

It's my Aunty Tee's big 40th this week!!! Here is a premature massive HAPPY BIRTHDAY to her!
I have sent her two cards. The first one I forgot I had sent it, so I sent another!
My memory is still on the mend! I need to stop being lazy with it and start working this ticker out more! No more asking for help & reminders, I need to man up and get this brain of mine flexing and back to its bright self! It will get better, I know it will. I just need to think more and work out how to used it better. I have gotten into such a lazy routine of checking my diary to let you know what has gone on in my week. Next Sunday I am going to do a post where I haven't at all look into my diary to see whats gone on, I'm going to tell you everything I can remember without being prompted. Fingers crossed it all goes well!

Have a good week everyone, peace out!