My operation has not only finally been booked, but it has be booked in with the man Colonel Jeffrys, who was looking after me from the very start of all this. This has miraculously turned out even better than I had originally anticipated.
The big man up stairs has seriously helped me out! I am so grateful for that!
So the main thing I am focusing on at the moment is the charity LimbPower.
Limb Power is an amazing charity, that I luckily stumbled across at my local mobility centre in Wolverhampton. I went to an event they held in May, which was the week I lost my leg last year. I met so many incredible people and made some really good friends for life there.
I am trying to help them spread the word so that other amputees all over the UK, are aware of the charity and what it does.
They started a Facebook page called 'Leg Up For LimbPower' - it shows people spreading the word and getting involved with the task to take a picture of them holding their leg or hand and balancing on just the one leg.
I want to help this charity so much. I would love to see my friends all getting involved! It really helped me mentally and physically and I am aiming to get the charity notified around the country, so that other amputees are aware of it and don't miss the events they have.
I woke up this morning to a lovely picture of some of my girls all holding their legs up, it made me smile a lot! Thank you so much to this wonderful bunch!

ALS, a horrible disease. I know one family who had to deal with it and it was heart breaking to see. This disease would have remained unknown of, to so many people. It is truly AMAZING how much the support has spread around the entrire world! With the Ice Bucket challenges.
The idea is brilliant, people are seeing the funny side to it and it has helped them spread it around to people, with all of the various nominations. It is an amazing marketing technique, fair play to them!
I would love to help a the charity LimbPower to have a similar craze with the Leg Up For LimbPower. It can really be spread around if people start doing it and start nominating other to. I hope people reading this will see my request and start doing some nominations!
I have popped the request onto my Facebook and Twitter account, fingers crossed you'll all help me with this aim and spread the craze around with pictures and nominations!
My girls have already done this, so have my nan and grandad and my beautiful sis. I hope you can help me with this too.
I nominate, all of you readers to take a picture of themselves, in various, funny, positions .
And/Or donate £3 to LimbPower by texting LIMB88 to 70070
Please help me with this mission! Get your...
Leg Up For LimbPower
I also had a lovely chat with a young girl, a girl my age who had lost her leg last year too. Sian has the exact same attitude to me and is looking to start her own charity. I am going to do my absolute best to help her with this as much as I can. It is such a good idea! I'm very excited to push this out to other amputees. I'll keep you all posted with the movement of this! Watch this space people!