Monday, 19 May 2014

Limb Power

WOW! I had the best weekend EVER! Limb Power is such a great event and I'm going to try and attend all of the events throughout the year that they organise. I will list off all of the cool activities I was involved in and all the amazing people I met.

However first, before I get into an excited ball and roll off all of this information...


Right now, I am sitting at the dining table with the patio doors open, the birds singing their hearts out, tea and toast to the side of me,with a smile on my face thinking about the amazing weekend I just had.
A year ago today, I was lying in intensive care, bandaged up like a mummy and in a coma. My family didn't know what was going on! They knew I was a fighter! They knew I had died under the car that night, my heart had stopped, I was resuscitated in the ambulance before brought to the Birmingham QE. They knew I was amputated, from the car crash, on my right leg, above the knee. However, I was in a coma and they didn't know if I would even wake up from it. I was like that for 3 weeks, they waited for me to wake up every day, worrying that I may wake up entirely brain damaged. God that would have been terrible!
What they didn't know was I spent most of my time in a battle to rock, paper, scissors with the big man upstairs. Luckily, as you may know, I am astonishingly good at that game of chance, kicked G-dog's ass!
So I woke up on 31st May. My sister Alex's birthday. It's the least I could do, if I couldn't even go out and buy her a drink on her big 19th!

So, today 19th May 2014, it is my darling support of life, Leonard's 1st birthday! I have only had a prosthetic leg for about 4-5 months, his name is Leonard, and his 1'st birthday is today! I'm going out for a lovely family meal tonight to celebrate. I sure hope there is a candle and cake for him (me mwahahaha)

God a year has flown by. I know I was in hospital for a good few months and I am dealing with amnesia, but it seems like years ago when I was in the hospital canteen with all my friends, in a wheelchair and a completely shaved head!
Skin grafts were taken from my scalp to transfer onto my face, that is now covered by a small bob again! I'm walking around without a stick, mainly indoors, and I'm nearly back to normal! Only a couple more surgeries to reconstruct my face and then off we go, back into the world with no apparent disfigurements.
(And no, I wont be growing a beard, if that's what you consider, when I have scalp skin on my face, it's exactly what I thought at first! haha)

So the weekend in Stoke Mandeville Stadium, which isn't actually in Stoke - as myself and Anna did believe - was a truly heart lifting and eventful weekend! I met some incredible people! It was so lovely to meet Kiera and Gemma in the flesh, as we had only connected on Facebook. People attended from all ages and various background. There were even a couple of fitties too! ;)

On Friday, Anna and I drove down to Aylesbury to the stadium, to find accommodation, rest up and wake vitalised and excited to start the games.
Saturday morning we drove over to the stadium and checked in at the accommodation lodge. Then made our way to the stadium hall where we were greeted by so many people. It was such an eye opener at first. Seeing a room full of people with prosthetic legs on! Normally you are the one that stands out of a crowd, whereas here, we were all part of the family! It was a great feeling and I think a few people felt the same way. We started nattering away with people and signed up with a group to attend a variety of events with them.

Group 3, I believe. The day started at 9.30 with wheelchair dance sport, followed by Football at 10.20-11.05 I really enjoyed the football training. It was like a starter drill walking in and out of cones in a line on the floor. I managed to do this, without a stick!!! It was great. Then we had a coffee break, a natter and a foot rest. 11.15 we had a basket ball session, I actually loved this one! I never have, but I got really into this game, it could have gone on for longer. I get quite competitive at the best of times. When playing a game where I think, I've actually got a chance here, I really go for it. I liked the fact that we were all in a cool sports wheelchair for this game too. You know the ones with the slanted wheels and small backed seats. I liked the mobility of this chair. It was a little dangerous however when bashing into one another on a couple of occasions toppled the seat over. Luckily I kept my arse on the seat at all time!
After the basked ball game, at 12.05 I attended a game of Archery. My GOD I was actually good at this one! I thought at first, this has to be a fluke, then the second time I was equally as good. I think I've found a new game that I really enjoyed and I was actually fantastic at. A natural robin hood, who would have thought it! This was the very first time I've ever played Archery, it certainly wont be the last. I've even taken details for a local facility for me to practice in. I'm going for gold people. Keep your eyes out for me in the paraolympics in a few years time, hehe.

12.50-1.35 We had a lunch break. Anna and I collected our lunch pack and went and sat outside in the sunshine along with a few others. (Please note, I'm not mentioning peoples names in this dialogue as I can just about remember what I had to eat, I can't remember all the names. I do apologise!)

After a lovely lunch in the sunshine we headed over to the sports track for a little game of badminton. Anna and I weren't very good at this, our hand eye co-ordination is diabolical at the best of times! It was lovely being out in the sunshine though, we had gorgeous weather. It did get a little hot and sweaty for me in my plastic face mask and pressure garments! However, following on from the sweaty outdoors, we spend the majority of the afternoon indoors for a 'confidence building" session. This was lovely! We got all dolled up with a vintage makeover (or a make over to your taste and request) and had a photo shoot! I'm looking forward to receiving the picture taken, in the post soon! Obviously I took all of my garments off for this. The mask, and pressure garments were all put into a bag and left off for the rest of the evening! I felt rather glamorous compared to my previous appearance in that suffocating malarky.
With our make overs, we really didn't fancy hitting any fitness track! So Anna and I dropped out of the following swimming events, which we probably should have had a go at now, looking back. Anna is a   good swimmer and I'm not too bad either. I was feeling rather lethargic after a day full of fun and activities though! My poor little head does tend to drain more energy than normal.
After dinner there was an Archery competition, which following my really impressive attempts I was GUTTED I didn't have a go at. Looking back, if I knew there were medals at the end of the weekend to be handed out I would have jumped at the opportunity. I'm ridiculously competitive, even more so when I know I'm quite good.  I've already got gold paraolympic medals gleaming in my eyes! Seriously!

Anna and I headed to bed around 9ish, where we showered and got into our PJs with the TV on and a cup of tea by the bed. a long sleep was definitely needed!

Sunday 18th May, The night I crashed the car last year! I wasn't feeling bubbly today, I had a great sleep, however I felt like I needed a peaceful relaxing day. We had a 'lazy day' of yoga, tea and chats. The yoga instructor was a rather attractive young Irish lad, definitely ticked a good few boxes, so we did linger on to about 2 or 3 yoga classes! I was a little disappointed we didn't try the sitting volleyball games, that would have been fun.

By around midday we were ready to hit the road home, however we sat around to see the awards and say goodbye to everyone. I actually felt a little sad to be saying goodbye to people! Almost like the last day at school. Thinking, will I see so and so again? I hope so! I'm sure I will meet them all again. The next event on the horizon is the Manic Marafun on the 23rd of August! I CAN'T WAIT! 
It was such a lovely weekend, I am really glad that we found the leaflet for LimbPower on a table at The Maltings, my rehab place. It isn't highly marketed in the West Midlands, Anna has been an amputee for 10 years and hadn't even heard about it. I think it should be shouted from the roof tops of all amputee rehabs in the West Midlands, and all over the UK. I will be telling everyone at the Maltings just how amazing, interesting & enlightening the weekend was for me.

I've always had a little spark in my eyes, but this lit them up even more so. I can't wait to get involved in all of the activities. I have never been interested in sport to be honest, but I really did enjoy every event this weekend. It was an eye opener to many more aspects, hope and encouragement to people who may have felt a bit stranded in their current situation. The sense of community there was so powerful, it felt like a family! I loved it so much and I feel it my mission to spread this around to more amputees out there.

If you feel like you are deserted, on an island, missing out on life, you're not. You need to snap out of any negative situation you find yourself in. Feeling the hope, love and friendship from people around you in the same boat as you, and seeing the variety of aspects for improving you lifestyle is just amazing. Limb Power, you are amazing!!!

In fact, I was working in marketing. I'm going to help! This blog post is just the start!

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

The Grand Finale! Days 91 - 100 Happy Days

WOW I can't believe the 100 happy day's project is over already! That really flew by! I think I'm going to continue recognising and snapping pictures of things that make me happy each day on Instagram with the attachment #Smile365 that way I can get a whole year down! Why not aye? This could go on and on and on. But I won't bore any of you readers. I'm sure I'll come up with something new, fresh and exciting to write about.

I'm off to the LimbPower event this weekend. A really cool get together for Limbless people of all ages and from all sorts of backgrounds. So it will be nice to make a few friends and support other people, who maybe aren't as positive and smiley all the time, as little old wacko me.
I'll be spreading my website all around too. It's always great for extra support from people who will understand what you're going through and be in similar situations to one another.

Day 91:  A song my friend G-dog sent to me, saying it reminded him of me! Nearly brought a happy tear to my eye. Thank you Mark, very kind of you.

Day 92: A lovely book arrived in my parcel to my Nanny Ds, a book from my beautiful Aunty Tash! Thank you for sharing this book with me, it's a lovely read and I felt very proud reading your chapter. 

Day 93: A lovely sunny day down in Hall Green, I went for a lovely stroll with Alex, Dan, Grace and little Izzy down by a canal. Lovely little walk in the sunshine. Such a lovely day! After a long stroll, when thirsty in the sunshine, what better than to refresh with a Strawberry and Lime Kopparberg! My favourite! 


Day 94: So I went to stay with Nanny J, Alex had work the next day and the Durkins went to Ireland for a few days for Lilly, my great grandmas funeral. So, I went to stay with Nanny J for a couple of days whilst Alex was working.

Sitting in the garden in the sunshine, reading my new book, 'Believe' from my Aunty Tash.

Day 95: I love this quote I found on Facebook. I think I've found my fair bit of courage I didn't even know I had. So theres only more to come!

Day 96:  I  woke up to a lovely Facebook post from my dear friend Sam. This put a smile on my face :)   And was lovely to start the day with!

A dvd night with Alex this evening of Day 96 was lovely! Anastasia! A cracking Disney film. It makes me laugh, it was out when Alex was very young, we pretended that she came from a long line of Princess Anastasia, she believed us all for YEARS! Bless her! haha 

Day 97: A lovely quote and very important to everyone. Think before you speak people! I'm living off this on a daily basis, mainly due to my amnesia, it's really getting much better and I need to stop relying on other people to remind me of things. If I stop and have a little thing I can normally reach it, and it's definitely improving because of this! If I rely on everyone around me to fill me in, I will never get back to full awareness. So I'm opening my mind more often before opening my mouth. 

The above quote isn't in my 100 happy days, I just love it! 

Day 98: I went into Birmingham with Alex to do a bit of shopping. We went to Yo Sushi afterwards and had a lovely feast! You can't beat a bit of Miso Soup! Mmmm Blue Mondays!!! 

Day 99: I love these quotes. So very true, things don't get easier, you do just get stronger. I thing this is so very true for my situation. I am getting stronger, I can swim way more now than I used to with 2 legs! I know that's a physical strength. Yet this quote is so very true in all aspects of life. You do adapt to things and get stronger and in some cases really impress yourself with a strength you didn't think you'd ever even hold. I believe I have a real new strength to overcome adversity. 

C.S. Lewis, I'm very excited for this extraordinary destiny!  

                                        DAY 100!!!  

 I went for a swim, I beat my personal record! Into the 30s next stop, the 40s!

Round of applause to me! hehe
A new found love in the wonderful world of Cadbury! Yum Yum!

A beautiful sunset in Porthmeor beach St Ives. Where my Godmother Margaret kindly wrote my web address in the sand!  I've had some corkers in this little marketing campaign to spread my website around. So many cool places all over the world! I think my next little post on here can be to share all of these snaps! Now I'm at day100 and the snaps end their, it's the beginning of something else!

The best is yet to come people! 

Thursday, 1 May 2014

April - Day 61 - 90 Happy Days

Well, it's been a wonderful month. I say wonderful, and I say every day was a happy day, but in all honesty, I have had a fair bit of unnerving news. It is all positive talk and prospects, however it is always a tiny bit scary when you have an operations on the horizon. You'd think I was used to this theatre table really wouldn't you. I've had a good few sessions on them in my life time. All successful procedures I must say, however the thought of lying in a pre op section, where they fiddle about with needles, looking for a vain to poke you  with before sending you off to sleep, is a little unsettling. Although, I do remember. the last time I went in, there was a rather attractive young man standing over me, the only fear that rushed through me at that moment was, does my bikini line look neat. The operation I was having was to do with my face! How on earth did I even consider the neatness of my bikini line! Seriously! 

Anyway, IM HAVING ANOTHER OPERATION!! I'm waiting to hear back on deadlines for having an op, to place 'skin expanders' under the skin. Each week I'll be popping back to the QE to get these pouches expanded, and to stretch the skin as much as possible. It will be sore, but if I get a good bit of healthy skin to cover my red, scared, face, I'm going to grin and bear it! God, I wish I  could click my fingers and be 2 years down the line with a perfectly normal face again. 

Before I crack on with this list of happy snaps for my 100 happy days project, I need to say a MASSIVE thank you to all the people who have helped me spread my website around in such cool places! I will create a page on my website with all of these snaps and their location. Its truly astonishing how far it's reached and just how many people have so kindly helped me! Thank you so much for all your help and support! 

So April, what did you offer me? 

Day 61: A very lovely picture put onto Instagram with me tagged in, from my darling friend Corrin. Thank you so much beautiful lady! Lots of love sent back to you darling. Thank you! 

Day 62: 
Saying goodbye to mom before the flight back to Birmingham. Sad, but was such a lovely week in Ireland! We'll be back soon! Lots of ❤️ #kellyssmileaday#100happydays #day62

Day 63:
Happy quote, inspiring! Whilst writing my next blog post! #100happydays #day63 #kellyssmileaday 

Day 64:
Waking up to two snaps of this little beauty in his new swim wear launch! Thanks @_samob_  ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘Œ❤️#kellyssmileaday #100happydays #day64
The best Glastonbury line up I've ever seen! Fucking amazing!!!!! #kellyssmileaday #100happydays #day64 again! I love all the people in the line up, but I don't think I will be jumping this hurdle. We'll see.  

Day 65:
My first gig of 2014! #Elbow at the LG Arena! AMAZING!!! With my favourite girlies @alioravon @marycakes_x  @catob_ #100happydays#kellyssmileaday #day65
It was so lovely to face the LG Arena with these lovely ladies! I was well looked after and I saw everything from the seated area. It was very different to my normal spots at big gigs such as this, however it was a great spot and great company, so it was a lovely experience. 

Day 66
My lil sister has her 1st car, #Jolene #roadtrip @alexjane_x  #100happydays #day66 #kellyssmileaday
It's so lovely to see that Alex has her own car! She's growing up so fast. 

Day 67: 
So us @alexjane_x #kellyssmileaday #100happydays #day67
This picture seriously looks like me an Alex when we were young girls. Aww, very cute. Made me smile! 

Day 68: 
A Facebook add of my beautiful niece, Isabelle! Love her so much! Made me smile from ear to remnant ๐Ÿ˜‰ ❤️#kellyssmileaday #100happydays #day68

Day 69:
This worked!!! YAY!!!! @alioravon #kellyssmileaday#100happydays #day69 
This lovely card and friendship bracelet game in the post this morning! So sweet! Thank you @alioravon love you so much lady! Xxx #kellyssmileaday #100happydays#day69
Such a lovely, kind, message to receive! A letter through the post made me smile! I love receiving post! Especially lovely notes from my dear friends such as Aligwarn! 
I Love this so much! All your friends still love you even though some of you is missing! #Amazing #Friendship #100happydays #kellyssmileaday #day69

Day 70:
Smile through the pain!!!! Horrid face mask for a few months then POW!! #Beautiful face #kellyssmileaday #100happydays #day70 #progress
So, I have to wear this new face mask, that covers my entire face to help support the scar managment. I FUCKING HATE IT! In fact, right now as I type this I have an itchy nose and I can't scratch it. It is driving me insane! But PMA , It's doing me well so I need to put up with it for a few months. 

Day 71 
My new favourite restaurant! The Cowshed #kellyssmileaday #100happydays #Day71
My Godmother Margaret, came to see me and we went for a spin around the country side by my dads house. It was a lovely little spin and we found a great little establishment, The Cowshed. It was gorgeous food, beautiful location, only down the road from my dads! How did I never find this before now. 

Day 72:
Lovely Sunday dinner with my granddad, nanny and @alexjane_x  #100happydays #kellyssmileaday #day72 It was lovely to see them all on a gorgeous sunny Sunday. Lovely dinner date! 

Day 73: 
Relaxation time after a casual 20 odd lengths swim! #kellyssmileaday #100happydays #day73

Day 74:
My new bedtime read has arrived! Thanks to @katiepiper_ suggestion! #kellyssmileaday#100happydays #day74

Day 75:
Lovely walk, in the sun, WITHOUT A STICK!!! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ #100happydays #kellyssmileaday #Day76 @alexjane_x
So impressed with my progress and confidence. Walking down the road with Alex and NO STICK, was a massive improvement. I'll be running on a blade in no time! ;) 

Day 76:
YOU ARE AMAZING - Remember that! A lovely post to me from my sister in law Grace, thank you hun! ❤️ #kellyssmileaday #100happydays #Day77

Day 77:
Straws from Margaret & Niamh! So very crucial in my times of mask wearing! I will enjoy my tea now! No chin puddles! #kellyssmileaday #100happydays #day76

Day 78:
My gorgeous little niece Isabelle! Love her so much!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️#girlsnightin#kellyssmileaday #100happydays #Day78

Day 79:
Lovely homemade pizza rolls made my @alexjane_x yummy!! #kellyssmileaday #100happydays #day79

My first Easter egg today! Now to do the rounds of family and collect them all! Mwahahaha #kellyssmileaday #100happydays #Day80

Day 80: AGAIN
The first of many more! My website signed in Vietnam!!!! YAY thank you my little travelling fairy.@amyod37 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #kellyssmileaday This really got the #KellysURL tag up and running! Such a kind thing for my friend to do whilst travelling Vietnam! It really sparked people around the world doing similar tags of my website. I can't believe how much this caught on, i'm very lucky to have so many kind friends helping me promote my new website. Thank you Amy for starting this wonderful campaign! Love you!!

Day 81:
My arts & crafts day! #kellyssmileaday #100happydays #day81 - I was creating a scrap book for my friend Lauren's birthday! Took me ages, but was lovely looking through the years of fun we've had together! 

SO help required! I got this ball rolling good and proper through a post to instagram and Facebook and Twitter to try and get people involved in spreading my word. They listened and loads of people got involved and helped me out. Pictures rolled in from all social media platforms and 

Day 81: WOW #KellysURL Gets going!
The little darling Olivia @chonce21 @laurenllc holding a paper with my website on in Fuerteventura #kellyssmileaday #100happydays #Day81 #KellysURL Again My dad's football graffiti! Haha thank you dad ❤️ My website in Ibiza! YAY! Thank you xxx #KellysURL #kellyssmileaday
My website signed in Dublin for Paddy's Poker #kellysurl #kellyssmileaday  Wahoooo #kellysurl #kellyssmileaday A signing in Dublin thanks to my lovely cousin, Caroline. 

Day 82:
Bedtime with my beaut! @alexjane_x #HGmassive #kellyssmileaday #100happydays #day82 I had a night over in Hall Green with Alex and my Nan and Granddad. I stayed at their house for the night as I was going away the next day with Lauren and Sam, and Lauren lives in Hall Green around the corner from the Durkin's. 

Day 83: 
Nandos date after a big Manc shop! #kellyssmileaday#100happydays #day83 
The 3 of us went to Manchester for the day, for some hardcore shopping! We had a brilliant shop around Topshop, Primark, the lot! We had a very good day and every good shopping spree should end with a lovely lunch, we went to our favourite, Nandos!!!
My website up on the board @fazeley_social Yippeee thank you @benjamin_luca #kellysURL

Day 84:
"Love is like a fart, if you have to force it, it's probably shit!" 
This made me smile! #kellyssmileaday #100happydays#day84

Day 85
This Insta post of a screen shot of my website taught in a class!! Week this made me VERY happy!! Thank you so much @queenblades00 it's really made me smile! I'm so very flattered! #kellyssmileaday #100happydays#kellysurl #day85

Signed on a black board in Cornwall! 

Signed in Leicester Holiday Inn

My gorgeous friend Corrin signed me in Plymouth with Mr@josephcdraper thank you darling #kellysURL ๐Ÿ‘❤️

Wonderful Graffiti at the O2 Academy #kellysURL thank you @amzd ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜˜❤️ over in Malaysia!! Thank you Carter's!! #kellysURL

Harten's in Sydney! Thank you guys! @marycakes_x #kellysURL

Signed in Rhodes! Thank you!!! #kellysURL

Very big wall signing!! Thank you guys in Dorridge way!#kellysURL

Lovely! Thank you Helena xxx. #kellysurl

Day 86: 
My stud of a cousin Jack in Paris #kellysurl#kellyssmileaday #100happydays #day86

Day 876 lovely lemon cup cakes made by my talented friend@alioravon thank you for a lovely treat & flying visit! Love you lady ❤️ #kellyssmileaday #100happydays#day86

Signed in Dubai #KellysURL

HOLLYWOOD! Hehe signed! #kellysurl I LOVED this one, very different and very cool! Such a good idea. 

Yay! My website at the top of the Gib rock! Love all the beautiful Quach's TDUX xxxx #kellysurl 

#kellysurl #Gibraltar #Rock

Signed in nature #kellysurl thanks @thatgirlgracy 

Tree tagging #kellysurl love it! ❤️๐Ÿ‘Œ

I've hit the Gold Coast of Surfers Paradise! Yippeee #kellysURL

Day 87: After a lovely weekend in Birmingham with the Durkins, I come home to a this lovely present! My favourite! Thanks Anna!! ❤️๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ˜‰ #kellyssmileaday #100happydays #day87

In a bar at Loch Ness! #kellysurl

Love this quick draft of a logo by my very talented @niamhreilly23 #Kellysurl

My waiting time at The Maltings, graffiti, #kellysurl on a very useful and local support group leaflet! Definitely might be useful to others too, ✌️

Day 88: My stickers have arrived!! #kellysurl #kellyssmileaday #day88 #100happydays

A signed Bodhrรกn in lovely Leitrim! Thanks to my dear friend Fergal Wynne #kellysURL

Lovely #kellysurl thanks to aunty Jan ๐Ÿ˜˜

Phuket in Thailand! Thank you @amyod37 #kellysurl ๐Ÿ‘

The new big wheel in #Vegas called the #Linq thank you Michelle ๐Ÿ‘Œ #kellysurl

Signed in London ๐Ÿ‘Œ #kellysurl

Tagged in the sky in #Leitrim #Ireland #kellysURL

Day 89I gave all my surgeons discussing my progress today in a QE meeting each a sticker! They were all very pleased! #kellyssmileaday #100happydays #day89

Day 90: Nandos date with the family #kellyssmile#100happydays #day90

Signed in Birmingham Nandos ๐Ÿ‘Œ #kellysurl Yeah, I did it, when in Rome, GRAFFITI!  

I'm off for a run! #kellysurl thank you Kevin! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ 

Signed in Phuket, Thailand! Yippeee thank you Kandi xxx #kellysurl

 Spellchecker Steve @stevep9898 @thesteveprice well done! Thank you xxx #kellysurl

And that's in! April is the kick into spring and the even bigger kick to my new support website! Thank you to everyone who has helped me with this, I really appreciate it and it genuinely lifts me up and tells me to keep going with things. No time for slackers!
So along with my happy days, I have a new campaign of #KellysURL It has really given me something to work on an look forward to. My 100 happy days are certainly coming to an end, however my website and its trail of promotion is definitely something to tell you all about!