100 happy days - why am I doing this? I want to improve the nerve in my face more than anything, my face is the most important part of my body, for the many expressions I can hold for different circumstances, the face can tell 1,000,000 stories and I don't just want my appearance back, (I had an amazing smile with great dimples and true happiness through my smiley eyes) its my identity, I don't want any of that lost. Its not a mode of vanity, where I'm worried I won't be as pretty as I once was, its down to my smile. It shines happiness and I want to be happy inside and out, through my smile again. I don't want that high part of my identity to be lost. If this was a case of being vain in any way then I would be moping about my leg and try to empliphase on the fact that they were my golden goose part of the body. My legs were my most attractive asset I do believe. Maybe not to everyone, but to me. They were the part of my body that I was really impressed about and I always had them out flexing those sexy calves in a nice St Tropez dressing and killer 6" heels. Now THEY were my best feature, in terms of attracting a young lad on a night out, I think. Whereas my smile, my facial identity. that told the world a story of happiness. some chapters were not so happy in this life story, but my smiley face was the best caption of happy times on a daily basis, nights out with my friends were the main trail of these happy smiles. Out with the girls, all dressed up and having a ball. I was mainly out with Corrin and Roisin in the first few months of 2013. this was the unlucky year for me that I will start mopping on about to get this blog of happy times going!
So for the people who don't know me or my story, here I go. Feel free to skip this chapter if you've heard me moan enough. Im sure I have had down times with close family and friends.
May 19th 2013, I was out for a girls night with Corrin and Roisin. I had bought sexy green shorts to flex the lovely (fake) tanned legs of mine. I had even had the full works done this Saturday, my eyebrows tinted and threaded, my bikini line all sorted, my nails all lovely and painted, ready to go! We all stared off in The Crown, in Digbeth, Birmingham. Had a few drinks there and met a friend, Little Lauren. Then off to a bar round the back of Digbeth called Spotlight.
I stupidly wondered off in a state and ended up at walk about on Broadstreet. Luckily, and also unluckily, my recently ex-boyfriend came and picked me up and dropped me home, where I was tucked into bed and left to wake up with a rotting hangover. But instead I didn't wake up for a good few weeks, in fact I was in a coma and didn't wake up until my sister's birthday on 31st May. What had happened was, I got back into my car, which was sitting on my drive. My nan heard me leave the house and ran out frantically to stop me from driving off in the state I was in, I shouldn't have got out bed! I sped off the drive and around the corner, about 1/2 a mile away, I clipped a tree on the left and my car flew into the air, did a few summersaults, sent me flying through the roof, then crashed on the opposite side of this residential dual carriage way. A lady heard the crash and came running over to me. She lay on the floor with me until the fire brigade & ambulance arrived. We had the same PJ bottoms on, Bonnie, the little angel saved my life!

They managed to get get me out and into an ambulance, straight to the QE hospital, in Birmingham. My burnt face was covered up, left to heal, my right leg was amputated from above the knee and bandaged up to heal. No pain was felt, or at least I don't remember any painful feelings, I was dosed up for a long time. I didn't leave the hospital until late September, it wasn't a great summer at all. Although I had lots of lovely visits from family and friends, so I was very lucky to have such a strong circle of people around me. It helped me a lot.
So, now that horrible scenario is done and dusted, I just want to stay positive and happy. My friend Mary started her 100 happy days on Instagram and I thought, what a brilliant idea. I started this up for myself in February 1st 2014. I decided I should start a dialogue to coincide these pictures, to help with my memory and share my experiences with the world. This is why I've started my very own blog.